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Ned’s Book of Mormon Witness

Hi.  My name is Ned and I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was nineteen years old I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life, in fact, it was an event that has shaped my life ever since. The Book of Mormon is a book of scripture similar to the Bible.  Because of the Book of Mormon, many people inadvertently call us the Mormons. The Book of...
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Kristen’s Book of Mormon Witness

I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (commonly referred to as Mormons) my whole life. However, I’m not so different from everyone else. I’m a freshman college student like all my friends. I love to laugh and have a good time. I get stressed out about school, drama, and everyday life.  Yet, all of the craziness that comes with moving 2,000 miles away from my...
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Karen’s Book of Mormon Witness

Recently, a sincere question posted on a Christian forum read, “Is the Book of Mormon a door to God?” I thought to myself, “Yes, in a way, it really is.” It opens our eyes to the Savior in much the same way as the Bible does. The Book of Mormon is advantaged in that it does not contain the errors induced by copyists and translators. Some say, “Why do we need anything...
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Additional Book of Mormon Witnesses

My Dear Friend, The Book of Mormon is a gift from God to you. It is the word of God given through the prophet Joseph Smith to us today. If you read it and pray about its teachings, I promise you it will change your life. It will increase your faith in God. You will know that He lives and loves you. It will bring you comfort as the Holy Ghost testifies to you of its truths. It will strengthen you...
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Aaron’s Book of Mormon Witness

I love the Book of Mormon.  When I became a teenager I remember being challenged for the first time to read the entire book.  That first reading was difficult as the words and the language were different than the modern books I was used to.  But I remember after reading it there was a feeling that came to me.  It was a peace and a joy that seemed to make me feel I had accomplished something...
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Talia’s Book of Mormon Witness

I’m an eighteen-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I have learned for myself that this church is true. The Book of Mormon stands as a witness of Jesus Christ and supports the Bible in teachings of God’s word. I have read this book and felt my Heavenly Father speaking to me through its pages. I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith restored the gospel...
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