Karen’s Book of Mormon Witness
Posted by Ben on Sep 13, 2012 in Book of Mormon Witnesses | 0 commentsRecently, a sincere question posted on a Christian forum read, “Is the Book of Mormon a door to God?” I thought to myself, “Yes, in a way, it really is.” It opens our eyes to the Savior in much the same way as the Bible does. The Book of Mormon is advantaged in that it does not contain the errors induced by copyists and translators.
Some say, “Why do we need anything more than the Bible?” To them, I’d simply ask, “What’s unusual about an author, much less the Author of our faith, addressing us in more than one volume?” His relationship with us hasn’t ended, and neither have His revealed words.
I searched for a copy of the Book of Mormon in a number of libraries in Philadelphia, after having learned about it, ironically enough, through an Anti-Mormon brochure. Finally, I located one, and I took it home (with some ice cream), and stayed up most of the night reading it. I’d read literature from a number of denominations–from Swedenborgian to Christian Science–but I immediately recognized this book as the additional revelation that God intended for all of us to receive. I received a witness that it was true.
I’ve read and re-read the Book of Mormon, each time with a new understanding of my potential and God’s purposes. It keeps unfolding, kaleidoscopically. As I’ve plead for wisdom in my undertakings, and asked for guidance as a mother, as a friend, as professional, as a student, I have never wanted for an answer. Those answers have changed me, guided my steps, motivated me to overcome, helped me to balance justice and mercy, and brought me peace. It’s all there, tucked away in a true account of our forefathers and mothers. It’s a life-changing book, pre-dating our time but post-dated for our needs.
The Book of Mormon is about God’s power to deliver. It’s about the Savior’s ultimate reach, how far He will go to extend mercy and love to each of us in His family and how we can try to do likewise; it’s about God’s justice in allowing the consequences of sin to meet the ungodly if they persistently rebel against light and knowledge. It’s about the power of our personal faith and the perfection of that faith through adversity and struggle and growth. It’s an inspiring work that activates the power of faith in our lives and prepares us to see God.
I have to say that I’d be grateful if we just had certain portions of the Book of Mormon, like:
Alma 32: It’s a chapter that I refer to as the “Lord’s Formula for Success,” or the “Faith Version of the Scientific Experiment.” The Lord tells us how we can know what is “real” spiritually. It’s profoundly simple and simply profound.
1 Nephi 4: This chapter has been a template that I’ve overlaid in my life time and time again as I’ve encountered a new challenge, or taken a new direction, walking in faith. It is an absolute witness of the ways in which the Lord will guide us individually, according to our aptitudes, and help us move forward “not knowing beforehand the things which we should do.”
Alma 52: The physical war tactics described in this chapter are a type of spiritual war tactics. As I read this chapter, I’m reminded that I need to continue to defend my daughters from the voices which call housework and motherhood slavery, and which seek to “flatter them out of their strongholds,” overtaking them.
I’d be grateful to have been graced with just those passages, but even more so, having been given 531 pages of similar spiritual nuggets in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
I add my voice of testimony to the many who likewise testify, that the Book of Mormon is divine, a much-needed second witness of a perfect, loving, Savior, Advocate, Redeemer and Father in Heaven. I invite you to read it for yourself and to ask God if it’s true. Drop us a note if you’d like to receive your own free copy.
American Fork, UT