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Aaron’s Book of Mormon Witness

I love the Book of Mormon.  When I became a teenager I remember being challenged for the first time to read the entire book.  That first reading was difficult as the words and the language were different than the modern books I was used to.  But I remember after reading it there was a feeling that came to me.  It was a peace and a joy that seemed to make me feel I had accomplished something that was pleasing to God.  I soon decided that the Book of Mormon would be a part of my life forever.  Over the years I have re-read the Book of Mormon many times and have found much spiritual strength in its words.

Book of MormonThere is power in the Book of Mormon.  Every time I seriously read and ponder the words of the book, I feel the Spirit of God.  The spirit testifies of the truth of the book, but it also gives me direction.  I find answers to my own personal problems, confidence to face them and perspective on my life and the world around me.  When I receive that spiritual power I feel fulfillment and a deep peace that all things will be okay, that the storms in my life will pass, that the desires of my heart will one day be fulfilled and that I will eventually rise up to live with God and my family forever.

Through reading the Book of Mormon I have come to a better understanding of who I am and what my purpose is here on the earth.  I have been taught what it means to be humble, what it means to be diligent, what it means to be filled with the spirit.  I have discovered what faith is and what belief is and how to arrive at a position of absolute and unshakable confidence.  I have learned what it means to have a vision and a dream for myself and reach higher.  And I have learned that even though I am imperfect, I can still be great.

When I share the Book of Mormon with others I also feel that power.  I know that happens because God wants all of his children to receive and read the book.  Embedded in the Book of Mormon are some of the most powerful stories of regular men doing amazing things with the support of God.  There is no better guide to understanding the workings of the Spirit, how to invite the spirit and how it changes people.  In fact it is an amazing experience to discover that the Holy Ghost is woven through the stories in the book and every time it is read that spirit can be felt.

The Book of Mormon was designed for our day.  There is no better guide to understanding the way the world works, what drives people to do the things they do, and especially the forces of government, family, money, conspiracy and power.  The world and its events are better seen from God’s perspective when the Book of Mormon is read daily.  It brings an awareness, a protection and a peace of mind, knowing that God understands exactly what is going on, and he has prepared a way for our deliverance.

After all of my experience with the Book of Mormon, the witness I have is that it is an inspired work, and it came from God.  It carries His spirit and I know that it came from Him.



Provo, UT

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