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Rebecca’s Book of Mormon Witness

I love The Book of Mormon and know it is true. I read it before I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at the age of 8. From a young age, I learned to love the peace, and comfort I found within these scriptures. I also read The Bible, but seemed to quickly understand The Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Christ). I cannot count how many times I have read...
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Alessandra’s Book of Mormon Witness

To many in the world, Jesus Christ seems to be only a figure of history, and to others, an obscure figure of worship. For some though, He is a personal Savior and Redeemer, a friend even. Personally, I like to include myself among this latter group, and the Book of Mormon is what got me there. I grew up in a home where my parents were always active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of...
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