Book of Mormon Witness by Rebecca
Language: English
Language: English Español Português

Rebecca’s Book of Mormon Witness

I love The Book of Mormon and know it is true. I read it before I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at the age of 8. From a young age, I learned to love the peace, and comfort I found within these scriptures. I also read The Bible, but seemed to quickly understand The Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Christ). I cannot count how many times I have read this book; every time I find deep joy, peace, and comfort that satisfies my soul.

Book of MormonThis book truly has brought me closer to my Savior Jesus Christ. Because of The Bible, I knew God had sent Him to earth to save us through His atonement and resurrection. But it wasn’t until I studied The Book of Mormon, that I saw Him as my compassionate brother. My favorite scripture is in Alma 7:11-13 because I know my Lord Jesus Christ suffered everything for me. When I feel alone in my painful experiences, I know I can turn to Christ because He has already suffered all my sicknesses, pains, tribulations, sorrows, and heartbreak.

The Book of Mormon has not only strengthened my relationship with my Redeemer but has also blessed my life in many ways. When I was about 14 years old, I began to daily read the scriptures and witnessed a big difference from when I had previously sporadically read them. As I opened the Mormon book, I would find specific answers to my prayers and felt as if God was talking directly to me. When I was 21, I moved to Italy and struggled for many months to communicate in Italian. It wasn’t until I started reading aloud Il Libro di Mormon (Italian translation) that I began to understand the Italian language and could suddenly speak the language I had struggled so long with.

I served a mission and taught many South Americans about El Libro de Mormon (Spanish translation) that contains Christ’s visit among their ancestors. I know God loves all of His children and called prophets in the Americas anciently. In 2007, I wrote, “I know this book is true because it teaches me of my Savior Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father and has brought me joy, hope, and comfort to my life. I know that God loves me and has blessed me with this book that clarifies the bible and teaches me of my divine potential and of the Atonement”. For 18 months, I invited everyone I met to read this book and ask God if it was true. I have yet to meet someone unable to find it’s veracity for themselves after studying this book and sincerely praying for an answer.

As a teenager and many times since, I have sincerely asked God if this book was true. I have always received an affirmative answer. When I was 18 years old, I had the opportunity to visit the Teotihuacan ruins in Mexico and listened to a Catholic tour guide talk about the historical pyramids and legends of a White Man. I remember the powerful feeling I felt standing on ground that historically aligned with events I’d read in The Book of Mormon.

My scriptures are one of the most valuable possessions I have in my life (besides my family). At one point in time, my luggage was stolen, and my personal childhood copy of the Mormon book. I was devastated because this book meant so much to me and I still hope someone has found and read the book that has truly changed my life for the better.

I love this book and know it is true!


Provo, UT


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