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Doris’s Book of Mormon Witness

I have been blessed to grow up as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was raised in a strong family who taught me the gospel through both lesson and example. I have heard the stories from the scriptures from a very young age, and they always seemed like second nature to me.

Book of MormonAs I have grown up and ventured out on my own, I have discovered a personal love for the scriptures, including the Book of Mormon. The stories that were so familiar to me have come alive as I have studied them more in depth. By reading and studying the Book of Mormon, I have found many principles to apply in my life. I know the book is true and is inspired scripture because the principles it teaches work. I have gained a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon because I feel the Holy Spirit touch my heart when I read it, and as I apply its teachings in my life, things go better than when I don’t.

One of the strongest testimonies to me that the Book of Mormon is true is that it always applies. People may think it is outdated or unrealistic, but I see that the patterns set forth in that book all around me today. I see people making the same mistakes and suffering the same consequences. This has offered me a lot of incentive in the past to try and obey more faithfully, because I did not want to suffer the same consequences. As I have grown and matured more and strengthened my relationship to God, I want to obey because I love God.

I find inspiration and comfort from the Book of Mormon. I am reminded that God always knows His people and their needs. He will always reach out a hand to them, even while He is punishing them for their disobedience. This is a principle taught in all scripture, but I think quite poignantly in the Book of Mormon. Almost from the beginning of the book, prophecies are shared with prophets that the long-term outlook for their people is quite bleak. Yet, all individuals who obey and love God are not only spared, but saved. This gives me hope today, as I see wickedness all around me. It is difficult to resist and withstand so many strong temptations in a quickly changing world, but reading the Book of Mormon reminds me that this is all so temporary. The only thing that matters is God and what He thinks. If He is my focus, I cannot be too far away from where I need to be.

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is very comforting to me to know that He has always reached out His hand to protect His righteous followers. I believe there are many more records which are now lost, though not to God, which testify of Jesus Christ. This helps me to feel closer to Him, because I know if He cared about all of these other people, then He also cares about me.

Orem, UT

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