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Curtis’s Book of Mormon Witness


Thank you for taking the time to read this book. It has the power to change lives, and the Spirit of the Lord will bring peace to your heart as you sincerely seek to know if it is Book of Mormontruly the word of God. I have had that experience as I have read the words of the prophets who lived in North and South America anciently. I know through the power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is the word of God in addition to the Bible, and stands as a second witness of our Savior’s mission, to bring us and our families back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. He loves us and knows our deepest desires and wants nothing but our happiness and growth. As you read this book, you will feel His influence in your heart, confirming that what you are reading is the truth. The Holy Ghost will give you guidance, understanding, and a stronger desire to follow the Savior than you have ever felt before.

Life can be hard. The truths contained in the Book of Mormon can give us the strength and wisdom we need to face life’s challenges with faith and hope, knowing there is a plan for our happiness and success. Our Savior will lead us by the hand through this journey if we will reach out and accept the loving hands he extends.

Through the miracle of the restoration of the gospel through a modern prophet, Joseph Smith, the authority of the priesthood has been given to us and provides all the ordinances required for our salvation. Full knowledge of the plan of salvation is available to us through the Savior’s word as revealed to his prophets, ancient and modern. Pray with a sincere heart to know if this book is from the Lord. I testify you will receive personal revelation confirming to your mind and your heart that the Book of Mormon is divine instruction from a merciful and loving God to his children.


Pleasant Grove, UT


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