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Jordan’s Book of Mormon Witness

Dear Reader-

My name is Jordan Clive. I was baptized at age 8 and have grown up in an LDS family, but I did not receive my testimony of the Book of Mormon from my family. I attribute my testimony in this sacred book to the Holy Ghost, which is the means of revelation by which we can attain knowledge concerning God’s truth.

Book of MormonWhen I was 18 years old, I made a decision to myself that I would read the Book of Mormon every single day in order to know for myself if it is true. I needed to know for myself if this book really was written by God’s prophets in ancient times on the American continent or if it was just written by a strange farmer in New York. The commitment I made to myself to read it every day has never stopped. I am now 23. The decision was hard to keep, but I have grown tremendously from staying true to it. I remember incredibly busy days at college and days when I lived in Hawaii when surfing under the bright sun with my friends for 20 minutes more seemed SO much more enticing, but it was because I decided to make the appropriate sacrifices to read this book every day that I have been able to receive so many rich blessings from my Heavenly Father. The book helped me know how to refine myself through repenting of my sins.

From prayerfully reading the Book of Mormon every day and obeying my baptismal covenants, this is what I can promise a sincere and diligent reader of this book. I can promise guidance from the Holy Ghost, which is God’s messenger to His children in this mortal existence who offers peace and knowledge of truth. I can promise a greater understanding of yourself and your relationship with Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. I testify, also, that you will come to know that the message of the restoration is true. God really did call Joseph Smith to restore Christ’s church in these latter-days with priesthood authority we are still being led by. This will help you know that the prophet Thomas S. Monson is truly a modern prophet. The Book of Mormon reveals the purpose of life, how to be happy, how to change one’s self and be spiritually clean. These are key ingredients to living a life of happiness and purpose. Your testimony in these things will impact your family and friends for the better. To live by the teachings of the Book of Mormon and honor the covenants made at baptism is to be God’s light to the world.

Enjoy your reading!

Orem, UT

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